Polycade Sports
Our final event of 2018 was held at Angel City Brewery in Downtown LA. We organized a multi-game tournament and faced teams off against one another for the goal of ultimate glory (and free beer)!

Crowd awaits their turn to play Polycade
Angel City is the first public venue where we placed 2 commercial Polycades, so it was appropriate that we'd run our first game night there. Contestants were split into teams of 4 and competed in a round-robin tournament featuring games such as Lethal League, SpeedRunners, and Asteroids.
High stakes Lethal League being played
Each round, a representative from a competing team faced off against a player from an opposing team. Wins were rewarded with a point while losses gained nothing. After 4 rounds of both head-to-head battles and competitions for high scores, the winning team was crowned.

Polycade Sports Poster
We look forward to getting more live gaming tournaments scheduled in the near future!