Two Bit Circus Game Night
Polycade went out to Beta Night at Two Bit Circus to try out a new setup with 2 Polycade controllers hooked into a large HDTV. After the success of the previous event at 33 Taps, we decided to hold another Tricky Towers tournament.

While playing Tricky Towers, focus is imperative
For the first hour of the night, we let anyone who was interested come up and try out the game. Playing a round of Tricky Towers qualified people for a tournament with the grand prize of a Polycade hoody!

Players play from the comfort of a couch
To organize the tournament,we created four groups of 4 players each, and the players within each group faced off to earn their place in the next round. If you won out from your group, you advanced to the final.

The four finalists: Jordan, Sarah, Alex, and Nick
After 4 games, we had 4 finalists who faced off in a "Tiny Cup," which is the first to earn 6 points. In each match, 1st place earned players 3 points, 2nd place earned 2 points, and 3rd place got 1 point. After 2 rounds, Alex and Nick each had earned 5 points and Sarah had 2. Unfortunately, Jordan had some tough luck early in each match.

The Tricky Towers Tournament bracket
The final match was everyone's favorite Tricky Towers match-type: Racing Mode. In this mode, players stack Tetris-shaped blocks and race to the top of the screen where they must pass a finish line.
In the end, Alex edged out Nick by less than 1 second and earned himself the title of ultimate champion!