Setup Instructions

Sente Box

Temporary Instructions

This page is being updated with better instructions soon

The box your Sente arrives in can be reconfigured into a few forms for the kids in the house:

  • A car
  • A puppet show theater
  • A lemonade stand

Basic instructions to assemble the car:

!! DISCLAIMER: Cutting double walled cardboard can be dangerous! Do this at your own risk!!

  • Check the inside of the box for any sharp staples that might be protruding. These can be bent down or removed.
  • The Sente box is marked with dashed lines and dotted lines.
  • Dashed lines are meant to be cut all the way through.
  • Dotted lines are meant to but scored (cut but not too deep) and folded. 
  • The roof of the car is made from the accessories box.
  • You'll probably need some tape to achieve the full effect. Packing tape is best.
  • We found a bread knife was good for long cuts, and a box cutter worked well for detail cuts and scoring. Do this at your own risk - sharp knives are dangerous!

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