Polycade is excited to be partnering with ScoreSpace for an ultra-unique arcadeified game jam! We hope you will join us by creating, playing, or high-fiving!
How does it work?
The ScoreSpace game jam starts with game developers creating fresh new titles from scratch in a mere 72 hours.
From there, anyone can download the games and test them out. Submit your ratings for each of the titles to help choose the best games!
The winning titles are then played by any Streamers in a competition to see who can score the highest in each game. Winners will be awarded a T-Shirt and bragging rights!
Lastly, join us in LA or NYC on November 6th for a final tournament played on Polycade arcade machines. Winners will be awarded a T-Shirt and maybe even beer (um, pending legality of this).
Game devs
october 25-28, 2019
Developers have 72 hours to create a game that has a score system or leaderboard.
1. All games must include a leaderboard system (offline or online) so that the streamers can compete for the high score if you happen to win the contest.
2. You can compete by yourself or in teams of up to 4. You can find other people to team up with on Scorespace's Discord.
3. All game engines (and frameworks) are allowed, as long as no actual game content / mechanics are implemented before the jam.
4. Games that are NSFW should have a warning in the description or when the game first loads up.
5. You and your team must make everything from scratch during the event. If you use any pre-made assets or game-creation frameworks you must list them in the description of the game.
6. All games submitted must be digital games that can be played on Windows 10.
7. All games must work with Polycade's requirements shown below:
Games must fullscreen (1920 x 1080)
Controls must be compatible with the Polycade panel, which is recognized by the PC as 2x XBox controllers and one mouse. See more.
The Polycade has everything on the XBox controller EXCEPT the analog joysticks. The joysticks on the Polycade operate the D-Pad.
Hardware is a GTX 1650 and Athlon 240GE, so we should be able to run any game.
october 28-31, 2019
Players will test out each game and provide their ratings.
Streaming during this testing period is encouraged!
The games that are most highly rated will proceed to the next step!
1. The games will be rated by devs who participated in the jam
Overall: Your general impression of the game as a whole
Gameplay: How did the game flow, did it have tight controls, what was your experience while playing
Theme: How well did the entry stick to the theme, did you like their interpretation of it
Aesthetics: How well does the game utilize its visual style and how appealing is it
Sound: How well does the music and sound contribute to the game
november 1-3, 2019
Streamers compete for high scores in the top games!
Video proof of scores is submitted at the end of this period, and the winning Streamer for each game is announced!
1. You MUST fill in the signup form after you have your final score.
2. You MUST submit some kind of recording, i.e a VOD or YouTube video.
3. Any game-altering software (even with developer consent) is NOT allowed.
4. If you're a developer, you cannot play your own game. You can, however, play games made by other contestants.
Live Event
nov 6, 2019
Players compete IN PERSON playing the winning games on Polycade at venues in LA & NYC!
1. Come to one of the following locations to play some games:
Los Angeles: Angel City Brewery
New York City: Wonderville
2. We're giving away shirts to the highest scoring players on the top 3 Scorespace X Polycade jam games
3. Invite everyone you know. This is gonna be fun.